Author Archive | Mike Talbot


What makes an award winning customer experience?

Winners are Grinners! We have done it again winning another award for Best Customer Experience in the 2018 Eastside Business Awards.   Firstly we want to say a big thank you to everyone who has voted with their feet. This award means so much and we look forward to many more as we continually innovate […]

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xray of feet in shoes

Bunion – Do I have one on my big toe?

What is a bunion? A bunion is a bone deformity of the big toe and big toe joint. This is where the big toe shifts or deviates towards the outside of the foot. The technical name for a bunion is Hallux Abducto Valgus or Hallux Valgus. A bulge or bony bump can develop on the […]

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Plantar Fasciitis vs Plantar Fasciosis – What’s the difference and how does it impact treatment and recovery from Heel Pain?

Plantar Fasciitis vs Plantar Fasciosis – What’s the difference and how does it impact treatment and recovery from Heel Pain? Plantar fasciitis is the term used to describe pain, heat and swelling in the heel or arch of the foot and is caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia. This inflammation can be caused […]

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